How to Give Yourself A Face and Eye Massage for Younger Skin

A full-body massage, a foot massage or a facial massage – they are all immensely relaxing. But a face massage will also help you maintain your beautiful looks.

When it comes to taking care of your face, a regular facial massage is a must. It gives your facial muscles the much-needed exercise to keep you looking young for years to come.

Your face will thank you for all your efforts, as a face massage offers many benefits.

Regular facial massages are effective at preventing wrinkles and other signs of aging. In fact, daily stress can cause tension buildup in the muscles, which in turn can lead to a furrowed forehead and fine lines between the brows and along the lip line. Massaging helps relax the tight muscles, which in turn can help minimize wrinkles and fine lines.

Facial massages also increase blood circulation to your face, providing your skin a good amount of oxygen and other nutrients to remain healthy. More blood flow to the area increases collagen production, which gives a healthy and natural glow to your skin.

Massaging also increases the effectiveness of other facial treatments by helping skin care products absorb more easily into the skin.

Plus, a good facial massage is one of the best ways to reduce anxiety and induce a positive mood. A 2008 study published in Biomedical Research found that 45 minutes of facial massage helps reduce anxiety and negative mood status by activating the sympathetic nervous system.

Regular face massages also help curb sinus congestion by mobilizing secretions and improving drainage.

Last but not least, facial massages help detoxify the body naturally. Massaging the face stimulates the lymphatic vessels and aids in removing toxins from the facial area. A well-functioning lymphatic system plays a key role in healthy skin as well as overall health.

Massage is a wonderful form of pampering that you can do yourself at home or get done at your favorite beauty parlor.

Here is how you can give yourself a face massage.


Before you actually start massaging your face, you need to prepare your face for the massage session.

Wash your face thoroughly with a gentle cleanser to remove your makeup and get rid of dirt and oil accumulated on the skin’s surface.

Once you are done cleansing your face, pat it dry with a towel. Also, be sure to tie back your hair.

If you want to really make your massage session a spa-like experience, try steaming your face first. This will open up the pores, allowing any product you apply to get quickly absorbed into the skin.

Another important thing is to choose the right product for massaging your face. You can use an oil or a serum, but be sure to choose one according to your skin type. Using a bit of oil or serum helps your fingers move smoothly across your face, thus preventing them from dragging and stretching your skin.

Steps to Do a Face Massage

  1. First, squeeze a dime-sized portion of oil or serum into your palm.
  2. Rub it between your palms for a few seconds to help distribute it evenly over your hands and fingertips.
  3. Next, press your fingers between your brows and make upward motions toward your forehead.
  4. Repeat several times to cover your entire forehead.
  5. Again, put a little bit of oil or serum in your palms.
  6. Using your fingertips, start massaging the center of your face, then your cheeks and finally reaching toward your ears.
  7. Next, repeat the same massage technique (up-and-out motions) across your jawline as needed.
  8. Then, it is time to massage your neck. Use gentle, vertical strokes from the collarbone upward onto your neck.
  9. Finish the massage session by lightly tapping on your entire face.

Next, you can learn the proper way to massage your tired eyes.

Eye Massage

At the end, you can even give your tired eyes a nice massage.

  1. Apply your eye cream or serum and close your eyes.
  2. Place the ring fingers of each hand between your eyebrows
  3. Massage gently by making small, circular motions all the way around your eyes.

Important Tips

  • Your hands are enough to do the facial massage, but you can also opt for tools to aid in the massage. If you’re interested in buying a massager, consult an expert to get the best one.
  • You can use a blend of oils formulated especially for the face, or just a single oil that suits your skin type.
  • When massaging, maintain a firm touch, but don’t massage too hard.
  • To reap the benefits of facial massage, try to maintain a regular schedule.

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